As of June 18, I'll be blogging regularly at The Democratic Strategist, an online magazine that's about a year old. In case you're not familiar with TDS, its editors are the much-esteemed Bill Galston, Stan Greenberg and Ruy Teixeira, all major Democratic strategists in their own spheres. The e-zine's main purpose is to provide a focused and non-factional forum for civil and empirically-based discussions of strategic issues for Democrats--everything from demographic and electoral analysis, to message and communications challenges, to party unification measures--with a special interest in long-range concerns that may elude the day-to-day debates over tactics. You should check out TDS' current and back issues to get a sense of the already broad and impressive range of contributors, which include academics, journalists and practitioners from every corner of the party.
My job, as successor to Managing Editor Scott Winship, is to enliven the daily content of TDS and to continue and sharpen its issue forums. As a big believer in its mission of party unity, civility, and fact-based reasoning, I'm excited about joining the TDS team.
Given time constraints, this means I'm suspending NewDonkey for the time being. I'm not killing the beast; I'm cryogenically freezing it, sort of like Ted Williams' head. Starting next week, visitors to this site will be redirected to TDS. Ruy Teixeira's doing the same thing with his longstanding Donkey Rising blog, so we should benefit from some new energy all around.
When I made the decision to suspend this blog, I got sentimental for a minute or two, until I remembered my pledge not to take blogging too seriously. I'll never forget the first political blog I ever laid eyes on: Kausfiles, by Mickey Kaus, whom I knew back when he was at The New Republic. My first reaction was to think, "Oh my God; this is so embarassing for Mickey. Why does he think anybody will want to read anything he feels like saying on any subject?" Within two years, I was doing it myself, but the idea still sometimes seems preposterous. And I'll remember that every day at TDS, and try to keep my words useful.
Still, I know this blog has become a habit for a fair number of readers, and a source of information and amusement on occasion. I'm often humbled to learn that the quality of its readership is frequently superior to the quality of its content. Some folks have come here looking for a more heterodox if partisan point of view; others appear to consider it a voice from the New Democrat tradition that they find congenial or stimulating. And maybe some readers liked the occasional break from politics when I lurch off into religion or college football.
In any event, the TDS leadership has encouraged me to keep The Daily Strategist blog as lively as NewDonkey, so if you follow me over there, you may not notice a great deal of difference, other than the fact that my pithy comments will be surrounded by outstanding contributions from others. (And speaking of comments, those who have long deplored the absence of a comment thread here will be happy to hear that we are in the process of making the comment thread at TDS more functional).
So: I'm not saying goodbye, but instead "see you over at TDS," where I hope all the donkeys can gather. --
Thursday, June 07, 2007
On the Republican side, Rudy Giuliani (followed within hours by John McCain) announced he would skip the massive Straw Poll being held by the state GOP in August. This is actually a bigger deal than it sounds like. The Straw Poll isn't some symbolic thing; about one-third of those who ultimately participate in the Caucuses are expected to show up, not exactly a group you want to diss. The news will feed earlier rumors that Rudy's decided to downplay Iowa and NH and count on winning the nomination in the mega-primary of February 5.
You have to figure McCain's camp had already decided the Straw Poll was going to be a disaster for him, and leaped on Guilani's announcement as a heaven-sent opportunity to turn a potentially humiliating defeat for the one-time frontrunner into an effort (probably futile) to convince the punditocracy that the Straw Poll has become meaningless without the participation of two of the "Big Three."
All this points to a big Mitt Romney win in the Straw Poll that would solidify his suddenly powerful status as the front-runner in both Iowa and New Hampshire. Maybe the downplaying of Iowa by Giuliani and McCain could create some space for a darkhorse like Mike Huckabee, but the Arkansan just ain't got the money to play well in Iowa at this point; his campaign is also suffering from the perception that he's auditioning for the second spot on somebody else's ticket. And maybe Fred Thompson will come into Iowa forcefully to challenge Romney, but probably not, given his very late start; it's more likely that he'll make his first big push in South Carolina, where he's already leading in at least one recent poll.
Over on the Democratic side, the big Iowa news this week was that legendary organizer Teresa Vilmain was replacing the near-legendary organizer JoDee Winterhoff as Hillary Clinton's campaign director in the state. The buzz is that the step was partially in response to Iowa blowback over a leaked memo from HRC's deputy campaign manager, Mike Henry, urging her to skip Iowa altogether. But more likely, the shift was in the works for a while; Vilmain, who was Tom Vilsack's top strategist during his brief campaign, simply wasn't available when Clinton first set up her Iowa operation.
As it happens, the Washington Post today published a front-page piece about the campaign in Iowa in both parties. It includes a good description of the Caucus process, and a nifty chart on the byzantine interconnections of some of the top campaign operatives. --
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
At National Review's The Corner, which basically liveblogged the debate, Rudy Guiliani was the clear winner.
At, Mike Huckabee was the winner on the stage, and Fred Thompson was perhaps the big winner.
Republicans remain way divided at this point. --
Monday, June 04, 2007
The best comment so far on this fiasco was by Sports Illustrated's Luke Winn:
At a press conference to announce Billy Donovan's hiring by the Orlando Magic last Friday morning, nearly 6,500 words were spoken by Donovan and general manager Otis Smith as they sat side-by-side on stools at the center of the team's practice court. Buried in the final 300 words of the 45-minute ordeal was Smith's smiling statement -- in response to what Donovan's first act as coach would be -- that "we gave him the weekend off."
"We'll see him," Smith said, "bright and early on Monday morning."
That, in retrospect, might have been a mistake.
Indeed. If the Magic had dragged Billy around central Florida to a series of publicity events and team meetings, it's not clear he would have had time for the Dark Night of the Soul that apparently changed his mind. Or so we can speculate.
But there was another "what if" story a bit further under the surface, in terms of the post mortems on Sunday night's CNN Democratic presidential debate. What if Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama had not voted against the Iraq supplemental appropriations bill week before last?
If they had gone the other way, there's no question that John Edwards, with an assist from several other candidates, would have entered the debate as the avenging angel of antiwar Democrats, whose anger towards party members who voted for the supplemental has stayed white-hot.
As it was, Edwards' fiery sword of righteousness on the war pretty much flamed out Sunday night, reduced as he was to flailing away at Clinton and Obama for not casting their votes more noisily. The difficulty of his position was best illustrated by Obama's quick rejoinder that Edwards' own antiwar leadership was "four-and-a-half years too late." And Edwards' efforts to separate himself from Clinton and Obama by deriding the "war on terror" (accurate as it is with respect to the terminology involved) is politically perilous, to say the least.
There's been some talk, which is likely to pick up after the debate, that Edwards is struggling in the national polls, and in states like South Carolina and Florida where you would think he would have a bit of a regional advantage. I honestly don't know how much all that matters: it's generally conceded, even by the Edwards campaign, that he pretty much has to win the Iowa Caucuses to have a serious shot at the nomination. If he does win Iowa, he's sure to get a big bounce elsewhere, and so far, he's consistently doing better in polls in Iowa than in any other state. But it doesn't look like he's going to get a clear path to national preeminence by being the undisputed antiwar Democrat in the top tier. --
Friday, June 01, 2007
You'd think that maybe this was an issue nobody had noticed until recently. But I happen to remember that clearly and publicly abandoning any intention to set up permanent bases was one of the major recommendations made by Larry Diamond (an original opponent of the Iraq War, but whose unhappy service in the Provisional Coalition Authority made him suspect in some antiwar circles) in his 2005 book, Squandered Victory.
As it happens, the DLC endorsed that position--not only opposing permanent bases, but making a clear, presidential renunciation of permanent bases a critical step in salvaging the disaster--at about the same time.
I mention this very simply as a reminder of little-noticed Democratic unity on Iraq, obscured by the original decision to go to war; the more recent obsession with withdrawal deadlines; and the latest fight over troop funding and residual troop commitments after combat troops leave. The really big picture is that Republicans want to keep fighting this war and stay in Iraq forever; Democrats want to end the combat role very quickly and make it clear that any permanent military presence in Iraq is way out of bounds. Maybe that's not everybody's favorite way to draw the partisan lines on Iraq, but it's a pretty clear line--the line between fighting a war and supporting a quick transition, and the line between soon and forever. --
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Obama's Health Plan: The Best of Incrementalism
On the positive side, it does indeed seem that Obama's plan represents sort of a greatest hits collection of incremental health care reform ideas.
It picks up John Kerry's underappreciated 2004 proposal for federal reinsurance of catastrophic health costs, which could have a big impact on rising insurance premiums. It adopts the federal employee health plan model for a national insurance purchasing pool, which makes abundant good sense substantively and politically. It calls for a federally-driven shift towards prevention and chronic disease management, along with IT investments to help control costs and improve quality, which ought to be a point of agreement among those who may disagree on financing mechanisms and/or the role of public and private sectors. It includes a direct assault on health care industry abuses through federal regulation, instead of treating such abuses as an unavoidable byproduct of for-profit involvement in health care. It does cover all kids, which makes sense if you aren't going to cover everybody. And it provides very robust subsidies to make voluntary health insurance affordable to as broad a segment of the uninsured as possible, along with an employer mandate to avoid erosion of existing coverage.
Those are a heap o' positives, but the negatives, most especially the plan's failure to include a universal individual mandate for health insurance, and its complexity, are likely to get more attention, on both substantive and political grounds. Substantively, the plan obviously fails to fundamentally overhaul the current system, with its patchwork of public and private programs, its heavy reliance on economically damaging and arguably regressive employer-based coverage, and its failure to cover everyone. And politically, the plan will reinforce claims that Obama isn't quite the transformative, great-leap-forward progressive so many have seen in him.
One particular problem for Obama is that his plan superficially resembles the Massachusetts initiative signed by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, with the crucial exception that Massachusetts did include a universal individual mandate for coverage (underfunded, to be sure, but still in place). Another is that Obama's plan achieves less than universal coverage at a pretty steep price tag, given its lavish subsidies to tempt rather than force individuals into obtaining insurance.
Beyond the initial reactions, perceptions of Obama's plan will be crucially influenced by his rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination. John Edwards is already in a position to exploit Obama's incrementalism on health care, given his own comprehensive universal plan, which not only embraces an individual mandate for coverage but also provides a stronger Medicare-style public option attractive to Democrats who favor a single-payer system. Given Edwards' competition with Obama for the support of left-leaning Democrats, this could become an important point of distinction between the two candidates, at least among activists. But the other shoe that will soon drop is Hillary Clinton's; she's slowly rolling out a very thorough and comprehensive health care reform proposal, building on her unquestioned expertise in this field. Still under wraps is what she would do to achieve expanded coverage. If she goes for a universal plan (which is quite likely), then Obama will begin to look like an incrementalist outlier among those who care about policy details. --
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Scott's talking about the need for empiricism among progressives, and secondarily, defending the progressive credentials of what used to be called the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party. I'll be doing a post or two myself in that discussion, but for the time being, Scott is certainly holding his own without reinforcements. Check it out. --
The Decline of Conservative Envy
One of the nice side effects from our great electoral success in 2006 is that the tide of books, speeches, and studies by progressives with conservative movement envy has been significantly reduced. No more do we have to hear about how great Republicans are at virtually everything political: language crafting, staying on message, voter identification, GOTV, paid media quality, free media booking, etc. Now that Republicans and the conservative movement have been historically trounced on the electoral front, their political sophistication no longer appears all that profound. We beat them at the height of their fundraising prowess, the height of their early voting programs, the height of their voter contact programs, and basically the height of their everything. Republicans did not lose in 2006 because of mistakes. In fact, their machine was working so well that supposed uber-genius Karl Rove was convinced that Republicans would do just fine in the 2006 elections.
That's all quite true. But I'd go a bit deeper on why the machine crashed, and what progressives should infer not simply about the quality of that machine, but about the seeds of destruction that were inherent in its very nature.
The "conservative movement envy" Chris is talking about, and that I've deplored on many occasions, was all about admiration for the unity, discipline, ideological rigor, "base" orientation, and sheer ruthlessness of the conservative apparatus in all its many subelements. Progressives who were convinced that Democrats as a whole were losing elections because they were disunited, ideologically heterodox, disloyal to the "base," and cowardly, looked across the great divide and often expressed a desire to make Democrats more like Republicans in every one of those respects. To put it simply, many progressives reflexively thought that a coalition party like the Democrats was at a permanent disadvantage against an ideological party like the GOP, and moreover, that its coalition character made even electoral victories bittersweet, given the necessity for both internal and external compromise.
But as we've seen over the last few years, "machine" politics, particularly of the conservative variety, are largely incompatible, except in very unusual circumstances, with any sort of effective government. When ideology drives policy, and partisan unity is made an end in itself, there's no internal debate, no respect for empirical reality, no interest in genuine persuasion, no flexibility, no room for error, and no feedback mechanism other than the demands of "base" activists and opinion-leaders and the money-lenders who feed the whole beast. And when the ideology in question denies a positive role for government, favors unilateral violence as the sole instrument for American influence in the world, and views half of the U.S. population as complicit in a domestic Holocaust (legalized abortion) and in the destruction of all the norms of western civilization--well, it's not surprising that you wind up with a record of folly, malicious mendacity, incompetence, corruption and authoritarianism like Bush's.
It's very important that progressives understand that the results in 2006 were largely dictated by that record, not by strategic or tactical errors in the GOP campaign, or for that matter, by the strategic or tactical brilliance of Democrats. Yes, the expanded playing field and "fighting spirit" adopted by Democrats, and the hard work and enthusiasm evident at the grassroots (and in the netroots) were crucial in exploiting the opportunity created by the GOP "machine," but when you look at the freshman congressional class of 2006, it's clear we are still a coalition party, notwithstanding efforts to describe last year's winners as a new breed of "populists."
All this is immediately relevant in view of the anger and despair (and those words are no exaggeration) of many progressive activists over last week's Democratic divisions on Iraq funding. Such divisions are inevitably going to happen in a coalition party, and for all its sometimes maddening disadvantages, it's still better than a party whose unity and ideological rigor can sometimes lead it down the road to perdition, with no road back (viz., a Republican Party still chained to its conservative base and its domestic and international delusions). --